Friday 21 July 2023

Spotlight on: Bilingualism from submission to publication from Medwave and Kriyadocs

This year, the judges have selected a shortlist of four for the ALPSP Award for Innovation in Publishing 2023. We also invite ALPSP members to take part in the judging process before the closing date of 31 July. Vote online

The finalists will be showcased in a lightning presentation session at the ALPSP Conference on 13 September, with the winners announced at the ALPSP Conference Awards Dinner on 14 September in Manchester.

In this series, we learn more about each of the finalists.

Tell us about your organization

Medwave is a bilingual, open-access, MEDLINE-included medical journal founded by Dr. Vivienne C. Bachelet in 2001. Its mission is to elevate clinical professional standards in the region by facilitating access, overcoming geographical and economic barriers, and improving the quality of scientific reporting and research.

Kriyadocs is an ecosystem for scholarly publishers that offers technology-led solutions and services to streamline publishing workflows from submission to distribution for global academic, professional, and scholarly publishers.

What is the project/product that you submitted for the Awards?

As a design partner, Medwave collaborated with Kriyadocs to establish a fully bilingual peer review and production platform capable of handling submissions in both Spanish and English. The platform includes comprehensive Spanish copyediting and English translation stages to ensure consistency throughout the publication process.

This submission is based on the Learned Publishing article titled "A technology-based, financially sustainable, quality improvement intervention in a medical journal for bilingualism from submission to publication" by Dr. Vivienne C. Bachelet and Dr. Máximo Rousseau Portalis (Bachelet & Rousseau-Portalis, 2023*).

Tell us a little about how it works and the team behind it

Kriyadocs' online submission system manages peer review in the journal's source language and seamlessly transitions to the copyediting, typesetting, and proof-checking module. A modification was programmed by the Kriyadocs team to handle production processes for both the source language and its translated version.

Salient features of the workflow that enable and enhance the fully bilingual journal publication include:

  • An online submission system that is capable of handling peer review in the journal’s source language.
  • A smooth transition from the peer review process to production—including copyediting, typesetting, and proof checking, with an XML-first approach.
  • The use of AI-based tools, such as DeepL for language translation and Grammarly for content editing, by Medwave editors to produce error-free translations with speed, efficiency, and lower costs.
  • Fully automated PDF and JATS XML files for publication, as well as deposits to third-party preservation and archiving platforms.
  • Automated recycling of non-translatable sections reduces inconsistencies between original and translated versions of articles.
  • Simultaneous publication of both Spanish and English versions of the journal.

The ACTIVE platform, available as an open source software, generates the fully bilingual website for the journal. The website has been set up such that it transitions seamlessly between the Spanish and English interfaces.

After the implementation of this intervention, the journal was able to offer full bilingualism for manuscripts submitted in Spanish and ensure the simultaneous publication of Spanish and English articles with no delays between versions.

In what ways do you think it demonstrates innovation?

A bilingual journal enables the dissemination of research to a larger audience while preserving the local language and locally-generated knowledge, as Dr. Bachelet presented at the Ninth International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication. However, this can be a cost- and resource-intensive endeavor.

Dr. Vivienne C. Bachelet and Ravi Venkataramani at 9th Peer Review Congress

This collaboration is significant and innovative because it established a fully bilingual peer review and production platform capable of handling submissions in both Spanish and English. This solution not only empowers authors to submit their articles in their native language but also broadens the pool of potential reviewers by enabling peer review to be conducted in the same language. The platform streamlines the publication process and enables the simultaneous publication of original and translated articles with no compromise in quality.

This solution offers numerous advantages to enhance Medwave’s publication process.

  • It reduces inconsistencies between the original and translated versions of articles and eases the burden on human translators by automatically recycling non-translatable sections such as metadata, abstracts, keywords, and references.
  • It has also led to increased efficiencies in the publication process, resulting in shorter review rounds, fewer human errors, and full automation of PDF typesetting and XML JATS files for publication, database deposits, and third-party preservation archiving. 
  • In 2019, there was a gap of 31 days between the publication of the original Spanish article and its translated version. The bilingual workflow has eliminated the gap and enabled the simultaneous publication of both versions of the article
  • As a result of the streamlined journal publication setup, Medwave has been able to remain financially sustainable.

By implementing a bilingual journal workflow and successfully addressing the challenges previously faced by the journal, this collaboration supports Medwave’s vision of increasing the dissemination of research to a wider audience. A bilingual journal workflow promotes inclusivity within the scientific community by providing equal access to research for researchers who may not be fluent in English. By enabling researchers and healthcare professionals to access medical research in both English and Spanish, this workflow eliminates language barriers within the scientific community and promotes cross-cultural exchange and understanding. It also encourages greater collaboration between researchers and healthcare professionals from different countries and language backgrounds, fostering diverse perspectives and innovative solutions to medical problems.

Finally, it can help increase the visibility and impact of research by reaching a larger audience, leading to more citations and recognition within the scientific community.

What are your plans for the future?

The future possibilities of expanding a bilingual journal workflow are vast and exciting. With the world becoming increasingly interconnected, there is a growing demand for research to be accessible in multiple languages. 

By expanding a bilingual journal workflow to include more languages, such as Chinese, Arabic, and F
rench, researchers are empowered to write in their native language and have their voices heard in the scholarly community. A multilingual journal workflow has the potential to enhance the visibility and impact of research by reaching an even wider audience. This can lead to more citations and recognition within the scientific community, as well as increased funding opportunities for researchers. Furthermore, expanding a bilingual journal workflow can help to promote inclusivity and diversity within the scientific community, as it ensures that researchers from all language backgrounds have access to the same research, leading to greater collaboration and innovation within the scientific community. 

The benefits and opportunities of expanding a bilingual journal workflow are immense and hold great promise for the future of research.

About the authors

Ravi Venkataramani, CEO of Kriyadocs, drives collaborative partnerships to enhance human potential through technology. Guided by his visionary leadership, Kriyadocs aims to revolutionize scholarly publishing with innovative solutions for researchers.

Dr. Vivienne C. Bachelet, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Medwave, launched the bilingual biomedical journal to bridge the education gap for Spanish-speaking clinicians, researchers, and academics in Chile. She is also an Associate Professor at the School of Medicine of the University of Santiago de Chile (USACH) and active member of prestigious medical organizations.

More information

Medwave website:

Kriyadocs website:

Kriyadocs LinkedIn:

Kriyadocs Twitter: @Kriyadocs 

Medwave Twitter: @Medwave_cl 

Ninth International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication poster, “A Technology-Based, Quality Improvement Intervention to Ensure Accuracy and Integrity of the Scholarly Record of Articles Published Simultaneously in 2 Languages” by Dr. Vivienne C. Bachelet, Amaya Goyenechea, Máximo Rousseau-Portalis


*Bachelet, V., & Rousseau-Portalis, M. (2023). A technology-based, financially sustainable, quality improvement intervention in a medical journal for bilingualism from submission to publication. Learned Publishing, 36(1), 73-80. 10.1002/leap.1533

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