Wednesday 31 December 2008

ALPSP group on LinkedIn

A month or so ago we set up an ALPSP group on LinkedIn... and a few weeks later I actually figured out how to confirm people as members of the group (d'uh!).

Since then, the group has grown to 100 and counting! The intention is not really to push much ALPSP specific stuff via LinkedIn - we'll still do that via the e-newseller, ALPSP Alert, this blog and our e-mail discussion lists - but rather to provide another place where members can network...

Of course, if you do spot an interesting publishing related news item then feel free to share it with colleagues in the LinkedIn group, and similarly if you have a topic for discussion that you want to share then go right ahead!


Monday 1 December 2008

2009 ALPSP International Conference - date and venue confirmed!

We're pleased to announce the date and venue for the 2009 ALPSP International Conference!

When: 9-11 September 2009
Where: The Oxford Belfry, Oxfordshire, UK

Details are on the Conference website

In a credit-crunch busting move, we've held the registration fees to last year's level and we've managed to negotiate a special rate for the Conference overnight accommodation of just GBP 86 per night.

Online booking will open shortly.

The 2009 program proper will start late afternoon on Wednesday 9 September but we will be running a number of free pre-conference workshops throughout the afternoon.

We were delighted with the success of the 2008 Conference - next year's will be even better!


JISC Board

I've just heard that my application to join the Board of the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) has been successful! I'll join the Board from next year...

JISC is funded by the UK HE and FE funding bodies to provide leadership in the innovative use of ICT to support education and research. They fund national services like JANET (the joint academic network) and a range of programmes and projects.
