Thursday 11 June 2009

Beyond Books and Journals Conference - UCL 25/26 June

There is still time to sign up for the third Bloomsbury Conference on e-publishing and e-publications at UCL on 25/26 June. The theme is the nature of formal scholarly communication (our business). The journal article in particular has not changed even though the way scholars communicate in their presentations to one another is very different in the digital environment.

Anthony Wattkinson who is the conference organiser says the difference between this conference and most others is that the speakers are researchers and publishers who have done the research or who have the experience and the value added by publishers is a given not something that has to be argued for.

For further information including a complete programme and registration see The cost is modest and there is a day rate.


Friday 5 June 2009

Rowecom - the cheque's in the post!

I am pleased to say that I understand cheques for the final distribution from the Rowecom settlement are in the mail and should be arriving very shortly.

I suspect many of you will have written off this money some time ago and so this will be some welcome extra cash!
