Wednesday 6 February 2013

IET launches next generation IET Digital Library with Publishing Technology

-Enhanced user experience at the heart of digital expansion-

Oxford, UK, 6 February 2013 – The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), in partnership with Publishing Technology, has reengineered its IET Digital Library, the central access point for the organisation’s online content, with an abundance of new user-friendly features.

Launched on Publishing Technology’s pub2web platform with intrinsic semantic web technology, the fully redeveloped online hub is one of the IET’s key digital resources and is designed to improve the speed and ease with which academic and corporate users and the Institution’s 150,000-plus international members access its wealth of digital content.

The IET Digital Library houses all of the IET’s engineering research and information, which includes content from 128 journal and magazine titles, 300 eBooks and 1,300 conference publications, comprising 255,000 articles ranging back to 1872, 5,000 eBook chapters, and 36,300 conference papers. The IET’s recently announced open access journal, The Journal of Engineering will also be added to the site in April. 

The new IET Digital Library boasts a number of new features to enhance the user experience and support an agile strategy for monetisation. Key highlights include:

  • improved navigation and more efficient discoverability and search capabilities across the site, such as;
    • enhanced faceted navigation via the IET Inspec classification system
    • new concept pages allowing navigation through all content types (journal, magazine and book content) via a subject entry page, driven by the classification hierarchy
  • new authentication options for all users including single sign-on functionality for members, providing ease of access across all IET products
  • integration with social networks, including Mendeley, Google, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
  • flexible bundling and pricing options for journal and book collections
  • bespoke licence models and discounts as well as members-only access benefits
  • publisher tools for improved librarian and customer support and communication

Daniel Smith, Head of Academic Publishing at the IET, stated: “The IET Digital Library launch is a significant step forward in the expansion of the IET’s flagship offering. We know that a big part of the future of academic publishing is online and when you consider that the IET attracts an international audience, it really is the simplest way for users to access the content we publish.”

He continued: “The new site is feature-rich and user-friendly, bringing together multiple types of content in a single aggregated platform. As an established player in the field, Publishing Technology has been, and continues to be, an excellent partner, both in ensuring a smooth migration and also helping to set the IET up for further digital expansion in the future.”

Louise Russell, COO of Online Solutions at Publishing Technology, commented: “The pub2web platform provides a smooth migration path during a platform switch and provides immediate benefits. Our approach to data storage and delivery is completely format agnostic, allowing the IET to bring together all of its content within a single platform. Each content type is modelled, stored and delivered according to its unique needs, bringing important benefits for the end user experience as well as new product and revenue opportunities. This launch is only the beginning—we’re looking forward to collaborating with the IET on their future digital strategy over the coming years.” she concluded.


Notes to Editors:
For more information, please contact:
Emily Taylor Gregory, Publishing Technology plc
Tel: +44 1865 397973

Publishing Technology plc:
Publishing Technology is the world-leading provider of content solutions that transform business.  We cover the publishing process from end to end with content systems, audience development and content delivery software and services. Combining our unmatched publishing knowledge, global operations and perpetual support model with our advance operations system, ingentaconnect scholarly portal, pub2web custom hosting platform and PCG (Publishers Communication Group) sales and marketing consultancy, we offer the industry’s only full spectrum of solutions to help publishers move their content forward.  Listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange, the company operates jointly from Europe (Oxford) and North America (Boston and New Jersey), with local offices in Brazil, India, China and Australia.  Assisting 400 trade and scholarly publishers for over thirty years, Publishing Technology solves the fundamental issues content providers face.

The IET:
IET’s research journals, books and Inspec database provide a wealth of research and information in the areas of engineering and technology.  The portfolio of research and letters journals and monographs (print and eBook) in electronics, electrical engineering and related subjects are available online through the IET Digital Library together with conference proceedings, seminar digests and magazines.  The Inspec database contains over 13 million abstract and indexing references to journal articles, conference proceedings, technical reports and other literature in the fields of science and technology.  As a membership organisation, the IET is Europe’s largest professional body of engineers with over 150,000 members in 127 countries and is a trusted source of essential engineering intelligence.

For more information, visit

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