Wednesday 20 January 2010

SSP's 6th Annual Librarian Focus Group

ALPSP members attending the AAP-PSP meeting in Washington next month, or indeed those within easy reach of DC, may be interested in SSP’s 6th Annual Librarian Focus Group which is being held on February 2.

Full details below.


SSP Presents the 6th Annual Librarian Focus Group

The Future Is Now: What Libraries Need in 2010 and Beyond

Join us on February 2, 2010, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm in Washington, DC

In a proven formula, a panel of librarians will take questions from moderators and participants on a range of themes during a full day of discussions, including:
  • What are librarians looking for from resource providers and publishers in this brave new world?
  • How are librarians transitioning to digital collections?
Increasingly, libraries are developing robust digital publishing programs, investing in institutional repositories, weeding print, and looking to build e-book collections. Couple this with a decade of open access initiatives, shrinking embargo periods on scientific literature, Google Books, and the rise of virtual services for patrons who never set foot in a physical library, and it looks like the future is now.

What does a 21st century library look like? How are librarians meeting the changing needs of patrons? What are their predictions for the next big thing? Join us as we pepper six seasoned librarians with questions about what keeps them up at night and what they need now.

The panelists have been chosen for their wide-ranging knowledge and there will be informal as well as formal opportunities for discussion.

Register at:

Registration Fee: $299 for SSP members; $349 for non-members.

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