Thursday 30 July 2009

FOCUS ON: John Blossom

"Surviving and Thriving as Social Media Technology Changes Our Lives and Our Future"

John Blossom, founder, President and Senior Analyst of Shore Communications, is a smart and interesting guy. He is one of the most influential and widely recognized content industry analysts and his book Content Nation, published in January 2009, uses analysis and case studies to examine the dynamics and impact of social media. It proved an immediate hit and gets straight 5 star reviews on

As you might expect from someone so savvy in marketing and social media he maximises the use of social networking technologies and the web: Content Nation, though published by a mainstream publisher (John Wiley and Sons), was developed through a collaborative wiki; he's very active on Twitter with close-on 1500 followers; has his own YouTube channel; and has active profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn and a host of other social and professional networking services. But most impressively John consistently appears at the top of search engine results lists in a way that is simply stunning! Seriously, check it out - for me 9 of the first 10 hits on Google and 8 of the first 10 on Bing are to him. Not bad for someone with a name that's not that uncommon.

Not surprisingly John is in demand which is why it's so terrific that he's one of the keynote speakers at the 2009 ALPSP International Conference which will take place from 9-11 September 2009 at the Oxford Belfry Hotel and Conference Centre.

I honestly believe that John's keynote will be worth the conference registration fee alone. Places are still available and you can find out more and register on-line at the Conference website.

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