Monday, 24 January 2011

HERE AND NOW: The Digital and Ebook Market 2011

Half day seminar organised by the Publishers Association on the current ebook market
Wednesday 9th February

Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London

8.30am for registration and breakfast
9.00am – 12.30pm : Seminar

Chaired by David Roth-Ey, Digital Director at HarperCollins, the seminar will reveal the very latest research on device and ebook buying habits in the UK. Speakers will include from the US Michael Tamblyn, Kobo, Peter Balis, John Wiley & Sons, and Theresa Horner, Barnes & Noble. Richard Mollet, CEO of the Publishers Association will give the keynote, followed by an overview of the UK and US markets by Jo Henry, BML. We then see 2 expert panels led by Sara Lloyd, Digital Director, Pan Macmillan and Fionnuala Duggan, Digital Director of Random House profiling the US ebook market and looking ahead at the international and UK ebook markets.

This is a very this low cost and content rich seminar over a half a day, and one not to be missed if you are involved or interested in the ebook market.

To register please go to

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Renew Training

Technology has removed the barriers between production, editorial, marketing, sales, customer services and most importantly – the customers. Renew Training’s Understanding E-Journal Technology course is aimed at anyone in working in these departments and will help them connect with their customers and better understand their requirements.

Many publishing companies routinely send all their customer facing staff on Renew Training’s courses and 100% of course delegates have said they would recommend this course to others in their organisations.

Delegates will gain a business-level grounding in e-journal delivery technologies, gain greater insight into customers' technical and business requirements and better understand the role technology plays in e-journal deployment and discoverability. The course will educate attendees about key issues affecting the delivery of e-journals and how these affect licensing, customer service and even pricing. Participants will also learn what necessitated technological change in libraries and publishers and how to solve some of the key problems posed by library technologies such as link servers, A-Z lists, federated search, web scale discovery, DOIs, OpenURL, Athens and Shibboleth

Courses will be held in London on Tuesday 15th February, 2011, Washington DC on 14th March and Philadelphia on 16th March.

Visit for more information and to book a place. Members of ALPSP, ASA, and SSP are eligible for affiliate discounts.